Group information
{{d.p.c.type}} / {{d.p.c.subject}}
Group type
{{wDay(w)||' '}}
{{d.p.g.plan.filter(p=>p[0]==w).map(p=>fmtHM(5*p[1])).join(', ')||' '}}
Number of students
{{d.p.g.max_qty?(''+d.p.g.qty+' / '+d.p.g.max_qty):d.p.g.qty=='0'?'No':d.p.g.qty}} student{{d.p.g.qty==1?'':'s'}}
Your membership
{{['You are not a member of this group','You are a member of this group since','You are a invited to this group since','You requested to join this group','You left this group','You are a disallowed to join this group since'][d.p.m?]}} {{d.p.m&&d.p.m.dt}}
Group properties
Number of students
{{d.p.g.max_qty?(''+d.p.g.qty+' / '+d.p.g.max_qty):d.p.g.qty}}
Planned lessons
{{wDay(w)||' '}}
{{fmtHM(p.entrance*5)}} - {{fmtHM(p.entrance*5+p.duration)}}
{{p.run_date?fmtD(p.run_date)+' ⇒':' '}}
{{p.end_date?'⇒ '+fmtD(p.end_date):' '}}
Use the day title to plan a new lesson